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January, 3, 2018- Panta Rei Music

Luciano Batinic, Fiesco

14-22.03.2018. Simon Boccanegra, Luciano Batinic (Fiesco), Opéra de Dijon. 

- La basse croate Luciano Batinic réussit l’exploit d’offrir un adversaire de poids, et propose un Fiesco empli de grandeur, avec une voix pourvue d’un saisissant registre grave, quasi sépulcral, qui lui permet de donner tout son poids au superbe air «A te l’estremo addio». 

- Le Fiesco de Luciano Batinić donne la mesure de ses moyens, de son entrée, très émouvante, aux retrouvailles avec Simon lors de son grand face-à-face de l’Acte III. 

Maurizio Lo Piccolo

May, 20, 2018 - Panta Rei Music

Maurizio Lo Piccolo, Pietro

14-22.03.2018. Simon Boccanegra, Maurizio Lo Piccolo (Pietro), Opéra de Dijon, mars 2018.

- La basse italienne Maurizio Lo Piccolo campe également un Pietro d’une grande autorité.


- Maurizio Lo Piccolo est un irréprochable Pietro.


May, 2, 2018 - Panta Rei Music

Divino Sospiro

17.03.2018. Divino Sospiro, conductor Massimo Mazzeo, Festival de musica antica de Sevilla. Lucia Martin Carton, soprano, Giuseppina Bridelli, mezzo-soprano. La Europa de los portogueses.


January, 3, 2018- Panta Rei Music

Reur Ventorero, Teresa

18.02-03.03. 2018. Reut Ventorero , mezzo-soprano as Teresa  in Sonnambula at Opera of Rome.


May, 20, 2018 - Panta Rei Music

Valeria Tornatore, Rosina

3.02.2018. Valeria Tornatore, jumps on the role of Rosina (Barbiere di Siviglia) at the Opera of Craiova in February 2018. A warm welcome from the audience and a huge success!


May, 2, 2018 - Panta Rei Music

Paola Leoci, Walter

19-21.01.2018. Paola Leoci, soprano as Walter, La Wally Teatro del giglio, Lucca.

Paola Leoci è pressoché perfetta nel ruolo di Walter: statura minuta, movenze splendidamente da ragazzino, che denotano possesso di un’ottima arte scenica


January, 3, 2018- Panta Rei Music

Maria de Bueons aires, Piazzolla

Unforgettable Maria de Buenos Aires at the Opera of Limoges , January 16, 2018

A very good year beginning. Amazing Operita, amazing interpreters. Luciana Mancini, Marcelo Nisinman, Ruben Peloni, Daniel Bonilla-Torres, Segio Simon, Marcelo Nisinman's musician's team, Orchestra and Choir of the Opera of Limoges. All together ! 


May, 20, 2018 - Panta Rei Music

A latino-american tour

November 2017. A Latino-american tour with Cappella Mediterranea for 2017's Monteverdi celebrations. Lucia Martin Carton and Giuseppina Bridelli in Orfeo and Diluvio Universale.


May, 2, 2018 - Panta Rei Music

Guelphs and Ghibellines battles.

Only few days miss to discover a rarely performed opera, Pia de’ Tolomei of Donizetti, a drama about the old stories between Guelphs and Ghibellines during th year 1260 in Tuscany  and coproduced by Teatro of Pisa, Teatro del Giglio of Lucca and Teatro Goldoni of Livorno. Toï toï to Rodrigo interpreted by Kamelia Kader and the whole team. Rare opera welcome ! October 14 and 15, 2017. 

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